Date Published : 19 November 2024


Aspalilah Alias


Muhammad Faiz Mohd Fauad


ker woon choy


Helmi Mohd Hadi


Maher A M Abumosameh



Facial soft tissue thickness (FSTT) forensic anthropology identification





Copyright (c) 2024 Aspalilah Alias; Muhammad Faiz Mohd Fauad; ker woon choy; Helmi Mohd Hadi; Maher A M Abumosameh;

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Facial Soft Tissue Thickness (FSTT) plays a crucial role in forensic anthropology, especially for reconstructing the features of a face. Over time, various studies focused on the influence of age, sex and ancestry on these tissue measurements. By reviewing the literature, we present some insights into the application of different approaches for evaluation of FSTT ranging from imaging modalities to the traditional measurement and highlight the main results obtained for several populations.  The present barriers to adoption of uniform FSTT guidelines and increasing use of FSTT in forensic examination are also being explored. With the proper understanding of the FSTT, which varies in different populations, improvement of the facial reconstructive techniques can be achieved, and as a result, the reliability of forensic identification could be enhanced.


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How to Cite

Aspalilah, Muhammad Faiz, ker woon, Helmi, & Maher. (2024). FACIAL SOFT TISSUE THICKNESS (FSTT): A REVIEW OF POPULATION-SPECIFIC FACTORS AND IMPLICATIONS IN FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY. International Conference on Syariah, Law and Science (CFORSJ I-CONF), 2(1), 48-55. https://alnadwah.usim.edu.my/cforsjiconf/paper/view/73