الاستثمار في الذهب خلال التعدين البدائي كآلية للثراء السريع ومخاطره البيئية في السودان

Date Published : 13 December 2024


Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Edris


Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail



Investment Gold Primitive Mining Get Rich Quick Environmental Risks





Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmoud Mohamed Ali Mahmoud Edris; Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail;

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


This paper deals with the topic of investment in gold during primitive mining operations as a source of quick wealth. Considering the difficult economic conditions that the Sudanese suffer from, some institutions and individuals practice gold prospecting in Sudan using traditional methods, which causes troubles for gold prospectors, such as soil collapse and many environmental and health risks. The study aims to explore alternative job opportunities while investing in this sector, provide a comprehensive overview of the nature of investment in gold mining and extraction, and analyze the potential positive aspects and challenges facing achieving success in this rapidly expanding sector, hoping to reduce the burden of economic pressures on Sudanese society. The study focuses on clarifying the quick profit opportunities that can be achieved through primitive gold mining operations in Sudan. The problem of the study lies in the fact that some people carry out primitive mining operations to extract gold without planning or technical preparation, as a strategy to overcome the phenomenon of unemployment and in pursuit of achieve the quick profit that prospectors of the precious metal expect. The study will highlight the multiple challenges facing individual and illegal prospectors. The researcher will follow the descriptive approach and do not dispense with the practical, applied approach. One of the most important findings of the study is that primitive gold mining in Sudan provides important opportunities for making quick profits. Due to the high value of gold if appropriate mining equipment is available, through which the natural resources found in the earth are discovered, including precious metals; The task of searching for gold depends on the type of device that scans and tracks the source of the sound and then drills until it reaches the metal itself. Providing job opportunities for youth and improving personal income. There are governmental or private legal challenges facing those in charge of gold extraction operations, including the difficulty of working in mining and exposure to risks and natural disasters to which those in charge of mining may be exposed.


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How to Cite

Mahmoud Mohamed Ali, & Wan Abdul Fattah. (2024). الاستثمار في الذهب خلال التعدين البدائي كآلية للثراء السريع ومخاطره البيئية في السودان. International Conference on Syariah, Law and Science (CFORSJ I-CONF), 2(1), 443-461. https://alnadwah.usim.edu.my/cforsjiconf/paper/view/100