Employing Expert Systems Techniques in Combating International Crimes Within The Legal Frameworks of The International Criminal Court: A Study of The Provisions of Uae And International Law
Faisal Ali Ebrahim Almarzooqi
Abdul Samat Musa
Abdul Manan Ismail
Copyright (c) 2023 Faisal Ali Ebrahim Almarzooqi; Abdul Samat Musa; Abdul Manan Ismail;

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The study aims to know the expert systems and modern techniques in combating international crimes such as international terrorism and its impact on contemporary thought and confronting it at the internal and external international levels. Through knowledge of these expert systems and legal frameworks that determine the relationship with the UAE Penal Code and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to combat these serious crimes, deter them, and in light of that, reconsider the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in proportion to international crimes that are created continuously and in different aspects, and demonstrate a complementary relationship between Member states in the national judiciary and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and how expert systems and modern technologies affect them. The research relied on the descriptive analytical inductive method in order to reach objective results that achieve the goal of this study. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which is the complementary relationship between the International Criminal Court and national courts, which helps implement the applicable laws in combating international crimes through expert systems and modern technologies. The research came up with recommendations, the most important of which is the existence of an independent International Criminal Court as a necessary mechanism to ensure respect for the principles of international law, protection of human rights, and justice for victims, in the absence of another permanent and effective mechanism for the issue of people who violate the rules of international law and commit the most heinous crimes against humanity. It is also a call to all countries, especially Arab countries, to make amendments to their national legislation in line with international standards and to apply expert systems and modern technologies to them.